Annual Board Timeline

* Required


Meetings and Workshops

  • Board reorganization
  • Elect Board officers
  • Board President appoints committees
  • Set committee meeting calendar for upcoming year
  • District in-house orientation for new board members*
  • Review mandatory training requirements
  • Review requirements of the superintendent contract renewal for contracts expiring July 1.* (Superintendents must be given 30 days notice for each year of a contract duration.)
  • For new board members, financial disclosure forms are due to the School Ethics Commission within 30 days of joining the board*
  • Review preliminary budget numbers with superintendent/chief schools administrator (CSA)


  • TBD

Professional Development

  • Board Code of Ethics with NJSBA representative*

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Board provides update on progress toward achievement of board goals through committee reports at each board meeting
  • CSA provides update on progress toward achievement of district goals and strategic plan objectives (can be provided through committee reports and/or quarterly updates from CSA)
  • Led by Governance Committee, meet with NJSBA Representative to review CSA and board evaluation process and set timelines for completion
  • Biannual report of the SSDS (Student Safety Data System) - September 1 through December 30


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Board adopts tentative budget*


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Presentations

  • Financial disclosure forms due to the Ethics Commission for all continuing board members*


  • TBD

Professional Development

  • Training and review of progress towards Board committee goals

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Public budget hearing / adopt final budget*
  • Begin/complete online CSA evaluation forms* (all non-conflicted board members once CSA has completed his/her portion)
  • Begin/complete online board self-evaluation form
  • End-of-year staff review by CSA (All staff: non-tenured, tenured, and administration)
  • Act on personnel recommendations of CSA
  • Report on compliance of submitting financial disclosure statements to the School Ethics Commission


  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Schedule closed-session meeting (all non-conflicted board members) to review board members’ evaluations and organize the overall superintendent evaluation narrative
  • CSA provides end-of-the-year report on district goals
  • Board provides end-of-the-year report on board of education goals
  • Finalize the superintendent’s evaluation and President conducts summary conference
  • Request contract analysis from NJSBA labor relations staff, for employee contracts ending in June of the upcoming year
  • Approve the comprehensive equity plan (every three years)


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Board annual goal-setting retreat
  • Review results of compiled board self-evaluation
  • Superintendent develops action plans to achieve district goals
  • Board develops action plans to achieve board goals
  • Review and approve staff development plans for next year
  • Approve board professional development improvement plan
  • Review curriculum writing process
  • Review and revise as necessary the superintendent evaluation instrument for upcoming year based on goals and objectives (in conjunction with NJSBA representative)
  • Board petitions for November elections due to County Board of Elections
  • Biannual report of the SSDS (Student Safety Data System) - January 1 through June 30


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Board of education approves district and board of education goals
  • Review progress of all students at key grade levels
  • Approve any additional personnel recommendations for coming school year
  • Annual review of student code(s) of conduct
  • Annual review of memorandum of agreement (MOA) and law enforcement operations for alcohol, other drugs, weapons and safety
  • Adopt the district mentoring plan


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Superintendent presents action plans for achievement of district goals
  • Approve the comprehensive maintenance plan
  • Approve the long range facility plan
  • Board plans for negotiations for employee contracts ending in June of upcoming year
  • Approve the school health nursing services plan


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Develop budget parameters
  • Update on curriculum writing/pilots/cycle
  • Attend NJSBA Workshop
  • Public presentation on standardized test results (60 days from receipt of data)


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Approve submission of the NJQSAC Statement of Assurance (every 3 years)*
  • Review audit report / approve and oversee the corrective action plan if needed*
  • Approve the safety and security plan
  • CSA provides update on progress toward achievement of district goals and objectives
  • Board provides update on progress toward achievement of board goals and Professional Development Improvement Plan


  • TBD

Professional Development

  • Training and review of progress towards Board committee goals

Executive Sessions

  • TBD


Meetings and Workshops

  • Review budget priorities
  • Negotiations begin if teachers’ contract ends in June of upcoming year


  • TBD

Executive Sessions

  • TBD
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