The Long Hill Township School District provides free transportation for students residing more than 2.0 miles from the school they attend.
Students residing 2.0 miles or less from the school they attend are considered courtesy bus riders and districts are not required to provide them with transportation. However, the Long Hill Township Board of Education continues to offer a subscription bus program to courtesy riders who wish to pay for busing to and from school.
The Board has set the rate for 2024-2025 at $900 per child, with a family maximum of $2,000 per year. If your home is 2.0 miles or less from school and you wish to pay for courtesy busing, please complete the attached Subscription Busing Request Form and mail it, along with your check for the total amount due, to the Business Office located at Gillette School. All Checks should be made payable to the Long Hill Township Board of Education.
All request forms and payments are due to the Business Office
no later than June 30, 2024.
Families eligible for free lunch may also be eligible for a reduction in transportation costs. Please contact the Superintendent in confidence for consideration.
Seats on a bus are not guaranteed for courtesy riders. There will be a limited number of seats available for the 2024-25 school year.