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Health Services

Gillette Nurse

Joyce Andreski


Millington Nurse

Karen Freeman


Central Middle Nurse

Karen Bissett


A certified school nurse is available to students in each school. If a child becomes ill or is injured, the nurse will contact his/her parents. Please be timely in picking up your child.

State law requires the nurses to screen each child's vision, hearing, blood pressure, and ht/wt. Biannual scoliosis screenings begin in Grade 5. Screenings for lice are done on an as needed basis. After being screened, students may be referred for further evaluation by their own physician if needed. It is important for parents to follow up with these referrals, as health issues may impact academic success.

Respiratory Virus / COVID Protocols

This document summarizes the district’s health protocols, which are aligned with the NJDOH’s guidance and developed in consultation with the district’s local health official. While COVID-19 remains a concern, its threat has lessened. 

2024-25 Respiratory Virus / COVID Protocols


Immunizations are a state law requirement for all students entering district schools. DPT, OPV, MMR, & Hepatitis B are required series of immunizations. All students entering pre K, K, & Grades 1 must submit proof of either having chicken pox or the Varivax vaccine. Pre-K students are required to provide proof of receiving their immunization for influenza. Sixth grade students (age 11) are required to provide proof of having their Tdap and Meningitis immunizations. All students that enter the district from certain high TB incidence countries must present proof of having received a Mantoux tuberculin test.

Incoming Students

All incoming Pre K, K, & transfer students are required to submit a copy of a recent physical. Any student that wishes to participate in a school sport or intramural activity must also have a physical exam and provide a copy of that exam. Physical exams must be done by the child's own physician within the past calendar year.


Medication administration is another service that the school nurses provide within the guidelines of state law. A medication administration form that is filled out by the student's physician & parent are required, as well as the labeled medication. Each office is equipped with a nebulizer and can be used to administer asthma medication if needed.


Our school nurses may exclude your child from school if they have signs & symptoms of communicable illness.

Please follow the district guidelines:

- The child should be fever free (temp below 100') for 24 hrs.
Conjunctivitis & strep throat should be treated with antibiotics for a full 24 hrs before returning to school.
If your child has diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, make sure they are free of these symptoms before returning to school.
Please notify the nurse if your child contracts a communicable illness such as: strep throat, conjunctivitis, chicken pox, pneumonia, or impetigo.

If your child is absent for 3 or more days for a medical reason, please provide a note that includes any restrictions from activities and the reason for the absence from your child's physician.